Friday, December 3, 2010


     I am Ma. Rosario Bernadette Castillo Arcilla, a freshman student of the University of the Philippines Los Banos taking up Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.
     I am now 16 years of age and will turn 17 on August 26,2011.I am currently living at Rizal Province where I used to grow up and was molded into a person but originally, I was born in Bulacan.I have three older brothers and this fact makes me feel happy and sad. Happy because I feel protected every time and sad because they are very strict with me. But still,I am enjoying to be their sister.
     My parents are Mr. Larry Desiderio Arcilla and Mrs. Flordeliza Castillo lucky I am to be their daughter. They are the ones who strengthens me always.
     I spend my elementary years at Kasiglahan Village Elementary School (KVES) and continue studying at my beloved school Kasiglahan Village National High School (KVNHS). This is one of the institutions that affects my personality.First of all,because most of my time since I started studying was devoted in doing school activities, and second, because of the lessons I've learned that was fed to me by my Teachers.
    Now that I am studying at the premiere University, I know I will be able to learn more and use this things to be successful in the career that I will be choosing soon:)

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